Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably experienced shoulder pain, reduced mobility, or difficulty lifting your arm over your head. You probably miss activities like playing sports, swimming, or playing outdoor activities with your grandkids.

The thought of shoulder surgery seems intimidating, with a lengthy recovery time. If you want a solution that can restore the old you who can freely move without shoulder pains and major invasive procedures, our stem cell therapy may help.

Our stem cell shoulder treatment utilizes stem cells derived from your own bone marrow or fat tissue. Stem cells can reduce inflammation, repair damaged rotator cuff tendons and labrum cartilage, and stimulate natural healing. Stem cell therapy taps into your body’s innate healing abilities without risky medications or surgery. Stem cell shoulder treatment is minimally invasive and requires little downtime.

What is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy is a non-surgical procedure that uses your body’s own stem cells to help heal injuries, reducing inflammation and pain. Stem cells are the body’s master cells that can develop into many different cell types, like muscle, cartilage, tendon, or bone cells.

They have the ability to repair and regenerate damaged tissues. For lower back injuries, stem cells can be harvested from your own bone marrow or adipose fat tissue. The stem cells are then injected into the discs, nerves, ligaments, muscles, or other structures in your shoulder that are injured or degenerating.

How Does Stem Cell Therapy Help with Shoulders?

There are several ways stem cell therapy can help reduce shoulder pain and improve function:


Reduces inflammation

Stem cells contain growth factors that decrease swelling, inflammation, and irritation in the rotator cuff tendons, labrum, and surrounding tissues.


Repairs rotator cuff

Stem cells can regenerate damaged or torn rotator cuff tendons, restoring stability and strength.


Heal's labrum

Stem cells repair torn labrum cartilage to improve shoulder stability and lubrication.


Reduces impingement

Stem cells can prevent compressed shoulder tendons from becoming irritated, reducing pain caused by impingement.


Grows new tissue

Stem cells stimulate regeneration of tendon, cartilage, and bone cells to heal the damaged shoulder comprehensively.


Reduces inflammation

Stem cells contain growth factors that decrease swelling, inflammation, and irritation in the rotator cuff tendons, labrum, and surrounding tissues.


Repairs rotator cuff

Stem cells can regenerate damaged or torn rotator cuff tendons, restoring stability and strength.


Heal's labrum

Stem cells repair torn labrum cartilage to improve shoulder stability and lubrication.


Reduces impingement

Stem cells can prevent compressed shoulder tendons from becoming irritated, reducing pain caused by impingement.


Grows new tissue

Stem cells stimulate regeneration of tendon, cartilage, and bone cells to heal the damaged shoulder comprehensively.

The Process of Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Stem cell therapy for the shoulder is a simple outpatient procedure that doesn’t require surgery or hospitalization. Here’s how it works:

Rigorous screenings and tests are conducted on stem cells from umbilical cords and placentas post-cesarean section to guarantee unmatched quality and safety in our treatments.

The first step when you come in for your treatment is numbing the knee joint with an anesthetic.

Using ultrasound guidance, the stem cells are injected into the damaged rotator cuff tendons, labrum cartilage, or other injured tissue

The entire procedure takes approximately 60-90 minutes.

Most patients can resume normal activities within 1-2 days. Improvement occurs gradually over 6-12 weeks as the stem cells regenerate the damaged structures.

For chronic shoulder problems, booster shots every 9-12 months may prolong the healing effects.

FAQs about Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Patients typically experience noticeable pain relief in the shoulder within 6-8 weeks after stem cell injections. The healing effects continue improving over 6-12 months. Duration of relief depends on injury severity and avoiding re-injury. Booster shots every 12 months can prolong benefits.
Stem cell therapy has a proven excellent safety record for treating shoulder issues with minimal side effects. Utilizing a patient’s own stem cells carries no risk of rejection. It does not require invasive surgery, hospital stay, or strong medications.
There is minimal downtime with shoulder stem cell therapy. Patients can resume light activities the next day, avoiding heavy lifting or overhead motions for 2-3 days. Discomfort is mild and managed with over-the-counter medicine.
Many patients gain some pain relief within 6-8 weeks. Maximum benefits occur at 6-12 months as stem cells regenerate damaged tissues. Most experience gradual, steady gains during this period.
Stem cell therapy for shoulder injury varies based on the severity of the injury and post-procedure activity levels. Most patients enjoy lasting pain relief for at least 12 months before considering a booster shot. Lifestyle modifications help prolong outcomes.

Recap of Benefits

Stem cell therapy is an effective way to find relief from shoulder pain and restore mobility. Benefits include:

Minimally invasive procedure with little downtime.

Utilizes the body’s innate healing powers.

Reduces inflammation in tendons, cartilage, and tissues.

Repairs damaged rotator cuff tendons and labrum.

Stimulates regeneration of shoulder tissue.

Avoids risky shoulder surgery and implants.

Provides lasting pain relief and improved range of motion.

Stem Cell Therapy Beyond the Shoulder

While this page focused on stem cell therapy for shoulder pain, these cells have many regenerative applications throughout the body, including:


Relieving Knee Arthritis

Stem cells injected into arthritic knee joints can:


Healing Rotator Cuff Tears

For torn rotator cuff tendons, stem cells encourage healing by:


Repairing Meniscus Tears

Stem cells injected into torn meniscus cartilage can:


Recovering from ACL Injuries

Stem cells help the ACL heal by:


Relieving Back Pain

Stem cells injected into the spine can:


Relieving Knee Arthritis

Stem cells injected into arthritic knee joints can:


Healing Rotator Cuff Tears

For torn rotator cuff tendons, stem cells encourage healing by:


Repairing Meniscus Tears

Stem cells injected into torn meniscus cartilage can:


Recovering from ACL Injuries

Stem cells help the ACL heal by:


Relieving Back Pain

Stem cells injected into the spine can:

Contact Us

Take the First Step Towards Shoulder Pain Relief

If nagging shoulder issues are limiting your mobility and quality of life, it may be time to explore stem cell therapy for shoulder pain. This regenerative treatment offers a safe, minimally invasive way to tap into your body’s innate healing abilities.
Stem cell therapy for shoulder injury can help reduce inflammation, repair damaged rotator cuff tendons and labrum cartilage, and stimulate lasting relief – helping restore function so you can return to activities like swimming, golfing, playing sports with your kids, or exercising without pain.
Don’t wait in pain and limited mobility any longer – take the first step today by contacting our clinic for a consultation. Let’s thoroughly discuss your shoulder problems and goals. See if you may be a candidate for stem cell therapy and collaborate to develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
Our expert team will help determine if stem cell therapy is right for you, walk you through the simple no-surgery procedure, and support you through recovery to get you moving freely again. Regain range of motion, quality of life, and the activities that bring you joy. Renew your shoulder. Restore your passions. Call today to schedule a consultation – it could be the most important step towards living your best, active life once more.
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